Event Details






Galway Arts Centre | Nuns Island Theatre

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Join us on March 15th for the second instalment of Disquiet Nights with Súil Amháin, a rapper and poet from Lios Tuathail.

Beidh Súil Amháin ag filleadh ar bhaile beag na Gaillimhe den chéad uair le blianta. Tar éis tosnú amach ag seimint ceoil do phócaí folamh’ agus cloigeann tinn ar Sráid na Siopaí , bíonn sé anois le clos ar fuaid na cruinne ag ceapadh dánta ar bhuillí hip hop le Bantum, ó Chorcaigh, agus Rob Mulhern ó Ghaoth Dobhair. Hop Scrathachaí.
Súil Amháin will retake Galway for a special exhibition of Irish language lyricism in Galway Arts Centre! He will be joined by DJ Bó Finn (Katie Kelliher) on the night to celebrate the pre-release of his upcoming project, and also… take part in a live lúibín battle with Ribe Róibéis, (identity unknown ach Conamarach go smior), to see who can go deeper into the layered meaning of caochpholl [boghole].
Disquiet Nights is curated by Megs Morley and Produced by the Black Gate Galway. Supported by The Arts Council / An Chomhairle Ealaíon and the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media through the Late-Night Events (Pilot Programme).

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